Types of Insomnia
Insomnia can be classified into different types based on various criteria, including the duration and underlying causes. Here are some common types of insomnia:
1. Transient Insomnia:
• Lasts for a short duration, usually a few nights to a few weeks.
• Often linked to a specific event or stressor, such as travel, illness, or life changes.
2. Acute Insomnia:
• Similar to transient insomnia but lasts slightly longer, typically a few weeks.
• May be associated with stress, changes in the environment, or disruptions in sleep routine.
3. Chronic Insomnia:
• Persists for a month or longer and may become an ongoing issue.
• Can have multiple underlying causes, including medical, psychological, or behavioral factors.
• Often requires more comprehensive and targeted treatment.
4. Onset Insomnia:
• Difficulty falling asleep at night.
• Individuals with onset insomnia may toss and turn for an extended period before finally falling asleep.
5. Maintenance Insomnia:
• Difficulty staying asleep throughout the night.
• Individuals with maintenance insomnia may wake up frequently during the night and have trouble returning to sleep.
6. Comorbid Insomnia:
• Coexists with other medical or psychiatric conditions.
• Conditions such as depression, anxiety, chronic pain, or certain neurological disorders can contribute to or exacerbate insomnia.
7. Psychophysiological Insomnia:
• Results from learned associations or conditioned responses to the sleep environment.
• Individuals with psychophysiological insomnia may develop anxiety or negative expectations about sleep, leading to difficulty sleeping.
8. Idiopathic Insomnia:
• Chronic insomnia with no apparent underlying cause.
• Individuals with idiopathic insomnia may have difficulty falling asleep and staying asleep without an identifiable reason.
9. Sleep State Misperception (Paradoxical Insomnia):
• Individuals with this type of insomnia perceive their sleep as inadequate, even when objective measures show normal sleep duration and quality.
• There is a mismatch between the person's perception of their sleep and the actual sleep patterns.
It's essential to recognize that these types of insomnia are not mutually exclusive, and an individual may experience a combination of these patterns. The classification of insomnia can guide healthcare professionals in developing appropriate treatment plans tailored to the specific characteristics and underlying causes of the sleep disorder. If someone is experiencing persistent insomnia, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare provider for a thorough evaluation and appropriate management.
Udgam Mental Health Care and Rehabilitation Centre recruits the best specialists to aid our patients. In case of insomnia, our lead psychiatrist Dr Rajesh Kumar, takes charge of the treatment to help patients recover their sleep cycle. Moreover, our psychologists help the patients work on any psychosocial aspects that affect their symptoms as well as help them maintain good sleep hygiene. Good sleep is vital to all, we should seek help immediately.