Do’s And Don’ts Of Mindfulness
Mindfulness, a simple act of consciousness, is known to be remarkable for its miraculous healing effects on our body and mind. It calms our mind and heals our body giving a feeling of freshness.
Although, practicing mindfulness is a very simple task, it can be frustrating if the technique is not executed properly. There are some do’s and don’ts that should be kept in mind while practicing mindfulness. Let’s have a quick look at them.
Do’s Of Mindfulness
- Walk before you run: For beginners, it is important to start with small things. Mindfulness doesn’t require us to sit in a certain way or take out specific time to practice. Start with day to day activities. Be mindful when taking meals. Take a walk in the park. Sit for 5 minutes and have a glass of water. Be conscious of our body when taking a bath. Take baby steps and in no time you will be running!
- Perseverance: Mindfulness or any type of relaxation exercise is only beneficial if practiced with diligence. Consistency is the key. Keep up your daily practice and don’t put off your work for later. Procrastinating can easily become a habit if attention is not paid on time. It is easier to fall back into our old habits than adding something new in our daily routine. Make up your intention strong and don’t back off!
- Patience is the key to success: When we grow a plant, we water it daily, provide nourishment and adequate sunlight and protect it from weeds and harsh environment. Only then does a plant grow and bear fruits of our hardship. Same way if we want to reap the benefits of mindfulness, we need to be patient with ourselves. Treat ourselves gently without being judgmental about the thoughts crossing our mind. Self-Caring is the first step towards mental healing. The benefits of mindfulness can be observed as soon as two weeks of regular practice. There is no time frame to practice mindfulness. It should be a way of living, become a part of our daily
- B+ attitude: It is a natural coping mechanism of our brain to focus on negative feelings. Almost 60% of the thoughts passing through our mind are negative. We should try not to dwell too much on such thoughts and let them simply pass. Try to diverge our focus on positive things instead. Maintaining a positive attitude can increase our healing process 10 folds. Positive thinking increases the amount of serotonin in our brain creating a sense of well-being.
- Try something new: Mindfulness means absorbing the sensations and feelings of your body and surroundings. It is human nature to become bored of repetition and losing interest in things over time. Practicing mindfulness at different surroundings will impart different experience. Try to practice mindfulness at different surrounding for newer experiences and to keep boredom
Don’ts Of Mindfulness
- Don’t push too hard: We can’t learn to swim in a day. Learning something new takes time and regular efforts. Start by setting a timer in the beginning and slowly increase your time. Keeping your attention on one thing will be difficult in the beginning but with time and practice, it becomes
- Zero expectations: Don’t expect any results beforehand. Mindfulness practice is a different experience for everyone. Everyone’s brain functions differently and hoping for an expected outcome can lead to
- Don’t keep an eye on phone: Keep the distractions to minimum and mobile phones are the biggest distraction of all. Turn your phone silent and keep it away for a few minutes while you are
- Lost and Found: Our mind will frequently lose its focus and drift to other things. But try not to get lost in our own thoughts. Whenever we find our mind drifting, try to focus it back to our surroundings. Grounding ourselves in the current moment is what mindfulness is all
- Don’t fret: I have come across many meditation practitioners claiming they fret too much on whether they are performing the technique right or not. All their focus shift to it and they end up over analyzing their every step and thought. Mindfulness means letting loose. Letting the thoughts pass. We will never be able to relax if we worry too much over
- Don’t give in to excuses: In our busy schedules, it is easy to come up with excuses. Today has been a hectic day; I don’t feel like practicing today. We can come up with a number of excuses but do not give in. we don’t have to take time out of our schedule. Don’t worry about missing a day or two but make sure that procrastination doesn’t become a habit.
Do’s And Don’ts Of Mindfulness
Mindfulness, a simple act of consciousness, is known to be remarkable for its miraculous healing effects on our body and mind. It calms our mind and heals our body giving a feeling of freshness.
Although, practicing mindfulness is a very simple task, it can be frustrating if the technique is not executed properly. There are some do’s and don’ts that should be kept in mind while practicing mindfulness. Let’s have a quick look at them.
Do’s Of Mindfulness
- Walk before you run: For beginners, it is important to start with small things. Mindfulness doesn’t require us to sit in a certain way or take out specific time to practice. Start with day to day activities. Be mindful when taking meals. Take a walk in the park. Sit for 5 minutes and have a glass of water. Be conscious of our body when taking a bath. Take baby steps and in no time you will be running!
- Perseverance: Mindfulness or any type of relaxation exercise is only beneficial if practiced with diligence. Consistency is the key. Keep up your daily practice and don’t put off your work for later. Procrastinating can easily become a habit if attention is not paid on time. It is easier to fall back into our old habits than adding something new in our daily routine. Make up your intention strong and don’t back off!
- Patience is the key to success: When we grow a plant, we water it daily, provide nourishment and adequate sunlight and protect it from weeds and harsh environment. Only then does a plant grow and bear fruits of our hardship. Same way if we want to reap the benefits of mindfulness, we need to be patient with ourselves. Treat ourselves gently without being judgmental about the thoughts crossing our mind. Self-Caring is the first step towards mental healing. The benefits of mindfulness can be observed as soon as two weeks of regular practice. There is no time frame to practice mindfulness. It should be a way of living, become a part of our daily
- B+ attitude: It is a natural coping mechanism of our brain to focus on negative feelings. Almost 60% of the thoughts passing through our mind are negative. We should try not to dwell too much on such thoughts and let them simply pass. Try to diverge our focus on positive things instead. Maintaining a positive attitude can increase our healing process 10 folds. Positive thinking increases the amount of serotonin in our brain creating a sense of well-being.
- Try something new: Mindfulness means absorbing the sensations and feelings of your body and surroundings. It is human nature to become bored of repetition and losing interest in things over time. Practicing mindfulness at different surroundings will impart different experience. Try to practice mindfulness at different surrounding for newer experiences and to keep boredom
Don’ts Of Mindfulness
- Don’t push too hard: We can’t learn to swim in a day. Learning something new takes time and regular efforts. Start by setting a timer in the beginning and slowly increase your time. Keeping your attention on one thing will be difficult in the beginning but with time and practice, it becomes
- Zero expectations: Don’t expect any results beforehand. Mindfulness practice is a different experience for everyone. Everyone’s brain functions differently and hoping for an expected outcome can lead to
- Don’t keep an eye on phone: Keep the distractions to minimum and mobile phones are the biggest distraction of all. Turn your phone silent and keep it away for a few minutes while you are
- Lost and Found: Our mind will frequently lose its focus and drift to other things. But try not to get lost in our own thoughts. Whenever we find our mind drifting, try to focus it back to our surroundings. Grounding ourselves in the current moment is what mindfulness is all
- Don’t fret: I have come across many meditation practitioners claiming they fret too much on whether they are performing the technique right or not. All their focus shift to it and they end up over analyzing their every step and thought. Mindfulness means letting loose. Letting the thoughts pass. We will never be able to relax if we worry too much over
- Don’t give in to excuses: In our busy schedules, it is easy to come up with excuses. Today has been a hectic day; I don’t feel like practicing today. We can come up with a number of excuses but do not give in. we don’t have to take time out of our schedule. Don’t worry about missing a day or two but make sure that procrastination doesn’t become a habit.