Dr. Kalpana Paediatric Occupational Therapist
She is one of the most experienced Pediatric Occupational Therapist in Delhi. She has done her specialization in Pediatric Occupational Therapy. She has experience in working with in-patients as well as out-patients. She works with children with Autism, ADHD, cerebral palsy, developmental delay, Hyperactive children, slow Learner, intellectual disabilities, etc. She is skilled in sensory integration therapy, Neurodevelopmental therapy (NDT), visual perception, auditory processing or perception, cognition, ADL(activities of daily living) training, gross motor skills, fine motor skills muscular strengthening.
Professional Qualification: Dr. Kalpana has done her bachelor's from IPH (institute of physically handicapped), Delhi, and her master's from Jaipur occupational therapy college, Jaipur.
Work Experience: She has worked for hospitals like G.B.Pant, Safdarjung Hospital, IHBHAS, LNJP hospital, and Sucheta Kriplani hospital.
Expertise: sensory integration therapy for autistic children, visual perception and cognitive therapy for children with low intellectual level, ADL (activities of daily living).
Languages: Hindi, English.
How to Consult Dr. Kalpana for Your Child
You can book the appointment at New Delhi - UDGAM - A Mental Health Care and Rehabilitation Centre. Further details and directions are given below.
UDGAM - A Mental Health Care and Rehabilitation Centre
Monday - 10:00 Am. - 7:00 Pm.
Tuesday - 10:00 Am. - 7:00 Pm.
Wednesday - 10:00 Am. - 7:00 Pm.
Thursday - 10:00 Am. - 7:00 Pm.
Friday - 10:00 Am. - 7:00 Pm.
Saturday - 10:00 Am. - 7:00 Pm.